We are operators.

We are not passive investors looking to complete an acquisition and immediately move on to the next deal.

Our goal is to acquire and operate an enduringly profitable business while driving improved efficiency, growth, and productivity. Our target acquisition is in the range of 500k-3m in EBIDTA or 2m-10m in profitable revenue.

We believe in hard work and dedication

Our work doesn’t end when the transaction closes, it justs begins.

We stop
at nothing

The work starts when the deal closes. We will take all the knowledge we’ve gained about the business during due diligence and begin to see it in action once the transaction closes and we begin to operate. We will do everything we can to continue the legacy and foster an even stronger business. 

We love
to explore

We are super excited to dive into the operation. We can’t wait to meet the people who make the engine run and explore ways to help them and the business achieve even greater heights. The ability to build meaningful relationships with the previous owners, the employees of the business, and it’s customers is what excites us most. 

We keep
it simple

We’re here to run a smooth operation while driving efficiencies and growth where we see the opportunity. We’re not here to reinvent the wheel and reinvent your business. The solid foundation that we step into is the long standing base that we will use as the pillar to keep the business thriving. 

We take it

We will not come in and make drastic changes. Slow and methodical improvements to enhance efficiency, growth, and productivity is where our focus lies.

Selling your business or know of any for sale?

Get in touch with us and we will quickly determine whether or not we are the right fit.